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Winter Edit With Texture Overlays in Luminar Neo Including Two Free Textures

 Last January we had some days with snow and people were rushing out to have some fun with it before all melted away, which is often the case were I live. I took my camera and went out into the falling snow and saw some people from my neighbourhood with their kid sleighing down a small hill nearby.  Here is the finished edit of the scenery: Enjoying A Winter Day RAW - Edit in Luminar Unedited RAW Image -  I started with the Enhance AI tool. I set the Accent AI value to 32 which was enough and brought out lights and contrasts, which I found helpful with this monotone snowy image. -   I changed into the Develop module where I enhanced the Exposure always keeping an eye on the Histogram because with snow you quickly run into burned out highlights.  - I also decreased the Highlight a bit and added more blacks. Especially reducing the lights is helpful, because I found that blend modes such as Overlay and Soft Light work better when editing with texture overla...

moody morning- applying textures to a misty landscape - updated 2019 -


I love misty and sunny mornings - there is always something going on with the light and one has to be very quick to get the right shots. The photo I am going to write about was taken a few weeks back on such a morning. I was looking out of the window and saw that clouds were still clinging to the trees on a nearby hill. Right outside my window the fog was gone and the sun began melting away the humidity. So I grabbed my camera and went out. After 15 minutes I was in the forest and it became more foggy with every step I took.

Here's the final result of my processing:

Please mouse over the image to see a before/after comparison

   Moody Morning

I wanted to use some of my new textures, but I had to take care, that they wouldn't overpower the softness of this misty scenery and the soft shapes of the trees.
I made only little changes concerning the tone of the picture. What I wanted to achieve was to make the empty bright space of the sky a little bit more interesting.

I added the birds using Photoshop's brush tool. You find free brushes all over the internet.

As usual I am providing a screenshot  of the layers in PS:

As you can see, I used two of my new textures:

evening mood

pastel pleasure
The slightly warmer tones and a very subtle texturing of the overall pic were achieved by the two layers of "evening mood". The textures in the sky and the frame can be ascribed to the "pastel pleasure" texture.
I had to use a layer mask to erase the lower part of the texture, because it affected the tone & texture of the trees. They also became too dark for my taste.

What's important to point out is:

- You can add interest to empty spaces (skies without clouds, fog etc.) by using textures. It depends on your individual taste whether you do it subtle or go for a more grungy look.

- Be aware, that you can easily overpower a picture with a texture. I always reduce the opacity in the course of my processing work.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great weekend!
