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Some Of My Images Used As Book Covers - before and after Part 2

 Book Covers - Before and After Part 2 Some time ago I created a post showing some of my images used as covers for books.  I am always curious how my wok is used, sometimes I am disappointed, but most of the time it is a pleasure to see the designs and the usage. So here we go: In these cases my original image hasn't been changed that much, most of the time only a crop and of course title and author.  Sometimes it is hard to make out my own design as you can see in this image:  My images are available for licensing through my agencies Trevillionimages   and   Arcangel Images or find something on my home page. Thanks very much. Dirk

Lost Robin & Big Texture Pack - update

the other day I was suddenly disturbed by a soft bang on the pane of my terrace door and I found a little bird sitting on my floor. The little creature ( a robin) was obviously dazed and didn't move, but started flying around when I approached it trying to get it out of my apartment without causing further harm. It decided to hide behind one of my loudspeakers. I lured it out of hiding with some bread crumbs and after flying around in my room, stopping here and there it finally found its way out again. The image you see was taken on one of its stops.


The original of this image wasn't particularly interesting and the empty space of the wall and part of the door frame were destined to be treated with textures.

Some time ago I collaborated with app developers and contributed roughly 100 textures to their app called Stackables but I also decided to make these textures available for desktops as well.
I used three of these textures to process this image.


The door frame looks rather bland, so I decided to use a strong grunge texture (grunge floor) to make it less ugly. I didn't want to have this in the background, so I masked it out with a layer mask.

The texture tarnished added a nice subtle frame to the whole image. For the background in general I wanted to have some cloud like background. The texture rainclouds provided that. I had to use a clipping mask to desaturate the texture and also masked the bird and the part of the lower right corner.

Finally I lightened up the image with the bleached texture. Curves added more contrast and stronger colours.

Here is a short video of the processing steps:

Texture Pack

So I used only 3 textures of the big pack and you can get these in my Creative market shop for only 
25 US$ Maybe I can temped you to purchase them  :-)

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask, please comment & share!

Thanks for your attention and have a nice weekend!

