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Some Of My Images Used As Book Covers - before and after Part 2

 Book Covers - Before and After Part 2 Some time ago I created a post showing some of my images used as covers for books.  I am always curious how my wok is used, sometimes I am disappointed, but most of the time it is a pleasure to see the designs and the usage. So here we go: In these cases my original image hasn't been changed that much, most of the time only a crop and of course title and author.  Sometimes it is hard to make out my own design as you can see in this image:  My images are available for licensing through my agencies Trevillionimages   and   Arcangel Images or find something on my home page. Thanks very much. Dirk

Making of Ever Changing Light / new textures & freebie

Good Day,

it went through my vast collection of unedited and yet not published textures and put together a small collection of green textures. These are now on sale on my

I often use greenish textures on my fog photographs, they add a great mystic tone and atmosphere .

I used several of these textures on this shot:

Ever changing Lights

Making of

I loaded the image I processed in Lightroom into Photoshop and started adding textures.
Usually I play around a lot to see what kind of effect the textures have on the image. With soft foggy landscapes one has to be a bit careful, because  you can easily overpower the picture with the texture. I often start with a texture that I think should serve as the main ingredient in Multiply blend mode and later add other textures to lighten things up in Overlay or Soft Light mode.
If this doesn't work I shift the textures around change the blending modes or use different textures.

Here is a screenshot of the final layer order:

Layers Ever changing Lights
I wanted to have a nice color contrast between the various green hues and the orange/ red leaves. There are several ways to recover/enhance the red tones:

1. I could have used a clipping mask to erase some of the textures that weakened the red tones, but I wanted the textures on the hole picture
2. I could have added a new layer and paint some red on the leaves, but that takes time and sometimes doesn't look so good.
or 3. try to get the red back by adjusting the red tones with the help of the Selective Colors and Saturation tools, which I did.

As usual I made some contrast and brightness adjustments with the last layer, in this case using curves.

Free Texture
You can download a 2000 x 2000 px version by clicking on the picture or on the link underneath!

Aus Free textures

I hope you create great pictures with this freebie ( & with the new green textures from the shop ;-))
If you have any questions sent me an email!
have a nice weekend,
