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Some Of My Images Used As Book Covers - before and after Part 2

 Book Covers - Before and After Part 2 Some time ago I created a post showing some of my images used as covers for books.  I am always curious how my wok is used, sometimes I am disappointed, but most of the time it is a pleasure to see the designs and the usage. So here we go: In these cases my original image hasn't been changed that much, most of the time only a crop and of course title and author.  Sometimes it is hard to make out my own design as you can see in this image:  My images are available for licensing through my agencies Trevillionimages   and   Arcangel Images or find something on my home page. Thanks very much. Dirk

New texture pack - AUTUMN HAZE

 I' have just released a new pack of fine art textures that I have developed over the past couple of weeks. The tones were inspired by the various autumn moods.
I already used these textures on some of my recent pics and hope they will be perfect for your photos as well.

Autumn Haze Pack

You get 30 High-Res textures for 25,90€ here:

Autumn Haze Pack


Ghost Hike

Exit Color


drawn curtains


With these new pack finished I can turn back to do some tuts. I am planning some cool formulas that should especially appeal to texture beginners.

