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Some Of My Images Used As Book Covers - before and after Part 2

 Book Covers - Before and After Part 2 Some time ago I created a post showing some of my images used as covers for books.  I am always curious how my wok is used, sometimes I am disappointed, but most of the time it is a pleasure to see the designs and the usage. So here we go: In these cases my original image hasn't been changed that much, most of the time only a crop and of course title and author.  Sometimes it is hard to make out my own design as you can see in this image:  My images are available for licensing through my agencies Trevillionimages   and   Arcangel Images or find something on my home page. Thanks very much. Dirk

Making of - STILLNESS & use of curves to colorize a picture


here I am with  another making of. I used an old foggy landscape to test some textures from the new texture pack to get an idea of their usefullness. I hope I can show how one can use a variety of textures while keeping the essential mood of a picture or even enhancing it.

As usual the before/after:


 I wanted to keep the moody hazy feeling of this shot, so I needed subtle textures.

Layers in PS

I chose 4 textures from the new Autumn Haze Pack, that were subtle enough, so that they won't overpower the overall impression of the image. Rose Mist was perfect, because it enhanced the grass red tones and made them glow. I think it is always worth while to seek out elements in a texture, that correspond with elements of the picture you work on.
I liked Never Ending Tale's subtle structure  and the two other textures I selected added great orange/yellow tones.
Although I took 4 textures and opted for more or  less strong opacity settings they in the end didn't dominate the photo. 

Still, I Thought adding more light to the foreground by applying a gradient (from white to transparent) with a setting of 60% Overlay which further enhaced the red tones and brought back the darker reds.

Tinting the dark tones

I wanted to add some blue hues in the dark areas of the picture. I know that there are several ways to do this. I opted for a curves layer - in this case the blue channel.

The only thing I did was dragging the end of the blue straight line a bit upwards - this way one only the dark hues turn bluish. BTW if you drag the upper end of the line a bit down you tint the lights yellow. This wasn't necessary because I was satisfied with the warm yellow tones that the textures added

Thanks for reading!!

Be creative,
