has it really been over a month since my last post!?
I had the pleasur to visit some friends in Italy and I also had a lot to do, so there wasn't any time to squeeze in a blog post....
Anyway, today I wanted to give you another making of an image I processed a few days ago.
Let me start with a before/after picture:
Processing in Lightroom
I think it s best to show the unprocessed raw file to give you an idea what I did in Lightroom.
I updated my old version 3.6. of Lightroom to the new 5.0 and I must say it really was worth the money. First I updated this older file to the new process version 2012 which gives you much finer means to process your raw-file. I then copied the settings of a similar picture that I had processed before, inserted them and made a few colour and light adjustments.
To set the colour mood I used the toning tool, I used a yellow-green for the lights and an almost violet tone for the shadows.
Tthe new radial filter is really useful to enhance parts of a pixture. I used it in the region above the bench to enhance the light.
I then exported a .tiff-file and loaded it into PS to further process the picture.
Processing in Photoshop
I had to get rid of the two branches on the upper left side, so I eliminated them using the clone stamp and the content aware fill tool.
I used three textures in this picture.
Framed Nothing helped to enhance the fog atmosphere. It was especially good to lessen the contrast of the the trunks in the brighter parts of the picture.
Rose Water brought a very nice tone on the leaves and added a fine painterly structure to the fog.
Fairytale Light enhanced the coloours further, but added too much texture to the picture, so I decided to blur the texture to keep the colour, its setting were Soft Light at 68%.
I couldn't resist to birds to one of the branches using a bird brush. ;-)
After some minor color corrections I was satisfied with the result.
You'll find the used textures here:
Spring Release Pack
Thanks for reading!
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